Men Elite race info

In the middle of the sacred Flemish cycling week, Dwars door Vlaanderen is a fixture on the programme. The men start their race on 2 April, as usual, in Roeselare. Also a fixture is the double passage on the Côte de Trieu. Berg ten Houte, Hotond and Nokereberg are twice on the menu. Add to this numerous cobblestone sections, including the Huisepontweg and two times the Mariaborrestraat and the Herlegemstraat. After 10 climbs and 7 cobblestone sections, we will know the successor to Matteo Jorgenson on the Verbindingsweg in Waregem. Download the timetable and roadmap below.
Start: Stationsplein in Roeselare – 12:25
Finish: Verbindingsweg in Waregem – around 16:35
Distance: 184,2 km

Who will follow in the footsteps of Matteo Jorgenson on Wednesday 2 April? Discover the provisional start list for a new edition of Dwars door Vlaanderen soon below.

Dwars door Vlaanderen is more than just a race. Besides the sporting spectacle in the Flemish Ardennes, there's also a lot to do in Roeselare and Waregem. Discover the programme below.
The Men Elite will once again start their Dwars door Vlaanderen in Roeselare. This is what the programme looks like:
- 10:45: Men Elite team presentation Stationsplein
- 12:10: Start Jelle Wallays
- 12:25: Start Men Elite
Knokteberg is traditionally one of the crucial climbs during Dwars door Vlaanderen. With two passages of the Men Elite and one ascent for the Women Elite, this is the ideal location to follow the races!
- 14:39: First passage Men Elite at Knokteberg
- 15:25: Second passage Men Elite at Knokteberg
- 16:38: Passage Women Elite at Knokteberg
On Wednesday 2 April, Waregem will breathe cycling. We will transform the Hippologgia site into a real fan village where there will be plenty of things to do! You can watch the races on a big screen in the cycling café, and there are bicycle races for the youngest ones.
- 13:15: Team presentation Women Elite
- 13:25: First passage Men Elite
- 14:40: Start Women Elite
- 15:25: First passage Women Elite
- 16:15: Second passage Men Elite
- 17:35: Second passage Women Elite
We traditionally crown the winners of Dwars door Vlaanderen on the Verbindingsweg in Waregem. The finish of the races is expected at the following times:
- 16:35: Finish Men Elite
- 18:00: Finish Women Elite

Can you not be present on Wednesday, April 2nd? No worries! Below you will find an overview of the broadcasters on which you can follow Dwars door Vlaanderen!
- VRT & RTL: Belgium
- L'Equipe: France
- NOS: Netherlands
- ORF: Austria
- FloSports: USA & Canada
- Eurosport: Europe & Pan-Asia
- SuperSport: Africa
- ESPN: Latin America
Results 2024
American Matteo Jorgenson won his first ever spring classic in Waregem. He a successfully ended a 7 km solo on the Verbindingsweg. Abrahamsen was second, Küng third.

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A few days before the pros rev up their legs in Dwars door Vlaanderen, you can explore this WorldTour-level race for yourself. Where will you make your decisive attack on Saturday 22 March 2025?